
To all Fashion and Costume D I Y- ers and Aspiring Designers

I love your dress, where did you find it?”

Thanks, I had this dress I wasn’t wearing and I kind of re-designed it myself”

Whether you found it at one of your thrift-shop haunts; or a friend passed it onto you because she wasn’t wearing any more and “its just your colour”. It’s a little out-of-date; but that beautiful green does match your eyes perfectly! This Blog is about making that item work for you.

When to Fix it

I Love it because  _________   But

  • It doesn’t flatter my figure
  • It doesn’t fit quite right
  • It doesn’t work in my wardrobe
  • Its just too overwhelming on me
  • It’s not really my style
  • It’s out-of-date
  • I already have enough of them


Ways to Fix it

Resize and Tailor – Alter it to fit and flatter your figure shorten or lengthen it

Up-Cycle Take something you have and update it

Add or Remove a Design Element – Remove the collar add a flounce, Add pockets

Add or Remove a Portion – Remove the skirt and you have a “new” top

Re-Trim it or add an accessory – Change the buttons, add a belt

Re Purpose Turn it into something else. A child’s dress, a Costume perhaps…


need some Creative tools?

F a s h i o n M i n t s Fashion Clipart and Images that are layered over a “paperdoll” template. These 300 dpi png images work with any image program that supports layers. StylePix by Hornil is FREE, and is a very user-friendly program

thrift shopping

The How, When, Where and Whys of finding those treasures are covered here

Before You make that Cut

Consider all the options before you cut. Try the garment on and wear it for a bit. Note how it drapes and where it best flatters your figure. Is the top section more flattering than the bottom?
Before you cut; give yourself a preview of how the finished product will look. Experiment with different hem-lengths, or see how it will look if you remove the sleeves: or add a bow to the waistline.

Declutter your closet

Discover hidden treasures and re-think some of the items you own.

Inspirational Storyboards 

When the spirit moves me, or just added a new “wonder item to my wardrobe,I like to create Eye Candy fashion storyboards to re-visit for inspiration on those “nothing to wear” occasions or for trip-planning. They might also inspire you to take a second look at some of the things that are hanging in your closet, and to train your eyes to spot potential “goodies” while out shopping.

Add Your Heading Text Here

What I Found and what I Did With it  

See some Re-fashion Projects I’ve completed. You will find photos and videos showing how an outfit can be assembled from scratch, using raw materials and patterns; or from outdated fashions from your closet, thrift finds, and re-purposed household items. The focus will be on Refashioning, Re-purposing, Refurbiishing and Thrifting.

Most of my design projects will be illustrated in layered sequence; showing how the design was created, as each fashion element was added to, or subtracted from the model.

There will also be videos of outfits re-created from thriftshop “finds” and re-purposed household items







Hi, I’m Maralaina. I am a fashion and costume designer.

Inspiring Illustration and new tools for those who like to design and/or make their own outfits, are what I’ve been working on The main focus will be on Refashioning, Re-purposing and Thrifting.

The layered sequence; shows how the design was created, as each fashion element was added to, or subtracted from the model.

There will also be videos of outfits re-created from thriftshop “finds” and re-purposed household items.

My projects often do not include sewing detail; since I am usually too focused on snipping and stitching toward my NEW Outfit to be snapping pictures, or recording narratives. For this reason, I will often post a link to an online site (crediting the author) to a DIY Tutorial that inspired me or where I’ve seen a similar project explained in more detail.There are so many excellent detailed sewing tutorials online these days. If you own an image or tutorial that you’d prefer I not link to, please email me at [email protected]

I’m usually not wearing my “photographer hat” or my “blogging hat” while in the sewing room…for they are temporarily tossed into the corner of a distant mind-space. Remembering to get “before and after” pictures somewhere along the way, keeps me busy enough..

I hope you find these pages entertaining, inspiring, and helpful

Just a little more about me.

I prefer hot chocolate to coffee; cocktails to wine; and late nights to early mornings. I am a mother to a grown son, and grandmother to a young boy. I enjoy photography and music. My favourite things are my car, camera and guitar. My most often-used things are my computer and sewing machine. My favorite places are beaches, campgrounds and dance floors.