Tailgate Mornings


Adventures Tailgate mornings  serenaded by nearby squirrels

Morning Coffee with a View to Nature            

Yes, thats the old truck-camper set-up.  Sometimes, I sure do miss it.

From my perch, I’ve got a great view of the small neighborhood creatures.

If I sit very still, there are some great photo opportunities here.


That squirrel, I think, is waiting for me to leave so he can investigate what food might be available in the storage boxes below. He’s been eyeing me for awhile, so I’ll be packing the food-stuffs inside later, for sure. There’s nothing quite like going through your food supplies at supper-time to see what these creatures have left you  that is still intact. 

This campground has lots of wild turkeys scouting around this weekend. I’ve heard that those can chase you if you get too close, so I’m not going down to investigate further. They’re also very loud.

At least I feel like I’m experiencing nature. Next time I’m bringing the telephoto lens