
 The pink outhouse –      hygiene  first aid   Personal Care

The Pink Outhouse – how it got its name

We used to do a lot of back-woods camping. Since, we canoed and portaged to the small islands on Ontario’s Lake of the Woods; it was real primitive camping we did. There are no outhouses (primitive privies) in the natural woods; so we would always designate an area for this use. For privacy’s sake, I would string ropes through the trees, and drape colourful sheets over them to make “walls”. My companions used to laughingly refer to this cordoned-off area as the “Pink Outhouse”.


So the Pink Outhouse section is now dedicated to all topics pertaining to hygiene and personal care.  Tips and trivia on laundry, grooming, shower and bathing etc, will be here.

So the Pink Outhouse section . dedicated to all topics pertaining to hygenice and personal care.  Tips and trivia on laundry, grooming, shower and bathing etc, will be here.