It was early in the season, and they warned us at the camp office that many of the site were not completely set up yet. They offered to provide tables on an individual-request basis

I can’t remember which of us declined that table offer…but this is what camping it looks like in early May when you come kind of unprepared and have no table, We at least had wood to start a fire for the hot-dogs. Electrical service made it possible to heat our tent somewhat for the night.

Yes, I did say “electrical”, so in a way it could be called glamping…if we’d brought a few more appliances …like a kettle for coffee. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to go camping. We’d thrown everything into the car. That is; everything that fits in a small 2-door Camaro. Many items were forgotten. We grabbed supplies from our kitchens, threw it all in a cardboard chip carton and stopped by 7-ll for hot-dog fixings and some drinks along the way. None of these drinks were alcoholic, by the way, so even that can’t explain the madness.

Its just that– well, we both love camping! It wasn’t as dismal, as those bare trees would have you believe. We had a great time, and have camped many times since. Usually, we bring tents, vans, or trailers, and its more Glamp-like though. At least we know we can “rough” it if we had to.