Adventure – On-the-Spot Repair 

I got Rescued!  Sometimes a break-down turns out not to be so bad.

What a wonderful thing to have a friend who’s a certified mechanic. And then to have that friend in a vicinity you’re camped . When my truck’s engine developed some issues and needed attention, In short, It wouldn’t start. I was thankful to be stranded at the campsite, instead of roadside. I was calling for advice…and perhaps eventual tow service. I certainly was not expecting him to close shop and come to my rescue. But that’s what he did!

From my description, he guessed at what it might need, and got the part delivered to his garage. As it turned out, they were “due for a lunch break” and would drive out! He and a buddy drove out and “rescued” me.

For this, I was truly grateful for them saving my weekend.. My dire and a dismal situation suddenly looked so much brighter, Some previous car situations had certainly NOT turned out this well.


They had this cute and friendly dog with them, and she was very curious about the goings on. Her fur sure needed a brushing after the underbrush excursions.


I was snapping some pictures..because “who doesn’t need these “happy’ memories, when this friend asked me to pose for a shot.



This is the picture he took. I knew that engine was big but…

I’m going to put a dis-qualifier in here and say the bottle was a photo-prop.


Aspire to kind of lifestyle do you really want