
Campfire Story Time  –   Wrestling A Skunk for a Bag of Chips

“Remember When’s”    – Campfire Reminiscing

Ms. Chips That Thieving Skunk

Three of us were standing just outside the campsite at dusk one night, talking, when I, out of the corner of my eye noticed something that appeared to slither by. I remember mentioning it and wondering aloud what it could have been. We pondered on the different probabilities for awhile, but then forgot about it as we wandered on to other topics.

It was a short time later, upon returning to the campsite that we knew exactly what I’d seen. The “squiggle” that had flashed in the dark had been the white stripes on the back of a skunk.

She had been on her way for a visit to our screened kitchen shelter! Well Ms. skunk had already helped herself to the bag of hot dog buns, and had her little picnic all spread out over the ground outside the tent. And her feast was not yet complete! She was still there, with her head poked under the screen wall, and now had a good grasp on a bag of potato chips. I guess skunks have their junk-food cravings too!

Now losing the buns didn’t bother me so much. She could have those! “But leave my chips alone.” Those were my late-night sustenance! And so I lunged forward and grabbed the crinkly plastic bag, trying to pry it from her clamped teeth. But she was not letting go! This persistent little varmint was actually hanging on, following the chips further into the tent. By now she had slithered halfway under the wall but still had her rump end – the dangerous end- outside. So, there I was, playing tug-of-war with a skunk for a bag of potato chips. .

In retrospect, my reasoning doesn’t make a lot of sense, but somehow I figured I was safe as long that tail was outside, and that the guys out there had more to worry about than I. I’m sure it was quite an unbelievable sight, as the fellows watched all this from a cautious distance. Anyway one of them finally did “brave” it and come to my rescue by sending a hunk of firewood hurtling toward my opponent. Fortunately, Ms Skunk retreated, graciously and without a smelly tantrum so I won the battle, and got my chips back. Yeah, I know- What an Idiot!