
Campfire story time Campfire Reminiscing

Kitchen Fire Flare

We were cooking supper, and so looking forward to the meal we’d planned. The table was nicely set in anticipation. We had a couple of gas appliances hooked up to the big propane tank, with the aid of a connector-contraption called a “propane tree”

I heard a slight hissing sound, and turned to investigate. I noticed it was coming from with one of the lines. Within seconds, there was a sudden explosion, then flames started shooting out from the valve area. The fire got bigger, sending a huge flare, up into the tree tops. Shannon had the kids a distance away, by this time. I ran and backed the car away, just in case…. I was thinking of the fuel tank. 

I was headed back to try to fight the flames, when suddenly she screamed “Run”.  I don’t know what caused the added alarm – maybe she thought she saw something I hadn’t? – but I ran…straight into the bush, where there wasn’t even a path!

Just then we saw neighbor come running  toward us with a fire-extinguisher. They were just a couple of young guys, but they sure knew what to do!  It was over in seconds after that.
I climbed back out of the woods, all scratched up, of course. The one guy surveyed the situation and said “well it looks like your supper is finished”  We all started laughing, still somewhat shaken.
Even as we surveyed the remains of our heavily powdered, ruined supper, we were truly thankful to our rescuers…I suppose, at that point the fire would have burned itself out; for it had stayed confined to the hose itself.  But it sure had been frightening at the time.
Our neighbors came back a short while later with a “care package” from their family supper. Again, we were grateful.

Three days later, I developed patches of poison ivy from getting scratched up in that bush. I’m highly allergic to the stuff, and generally stay away from the greenery.
On my next excursion, and ever since, I’ve carried a fire extinguisher with me. And since that time, I’ve never used a “propane tree” I just don’t trust them anymore.

These are the adventures you never forget…this one’s been reminisced many times around campfires since.