Adventure –  My Morning Visitor 

I wake to the sound of birds chirping from the evergreens nearby. I’ve been parked overnight in the yard of my friends cottage. I see the beautiful green against the sky’s soft puffy . The air is fresh and still slightly damp from the morning dew, and its going to be a beautiful day.

I lie there comfortably on my soft pillow, staring dreamily through the screened-in car window. My eyes focus in a bit, till just in from them I see, on my fuzzy blanket a full-sized adult SPIDER!

And, I’m not good with spiders… Well, Guess I’m up for the day now

Now that my heart-rate has slown down…I might as well get some good close-ups

This creature must have entered through the back window, which I had covered but not fastened.


Aspire to kind of lifestyle do you really want