LifeStyle – my new exercise plan

Gippsi Way

                                              is living the life Every Day

Hi! from the Desktop of Maralaina

I hope you’re having a great day. Today, I’d like to share with you, my new Apartment-Sized Exercise plan. Its super simple.

Last week, I finally faced reality regarding the exercise thing. Summer will eventually get here, and I do intend to be wearing that nice eclectic wardrobe of mine again. And I want to look good in it.

Dancing is out until world settles down again. Walking outside around on the icy streets here is treacherous. The gym is out, because even if it does open, I can’t see wearing a mask while running on a treadmill. And it seems that disgusting mask-thing is here to stay.

I’m hoping that this will turn into one of those habits that are second nature. Yes, I’m dreaming, but the equipment I ordered is fairly light.

Today, my new exercise equipment arrived. My Apartment space is limited, so it had to be small stuff that wouldn’t be too obtrusive. I got an Exercise Ball, a Mini-Trampoline, and a pair of Small Weights. These should all work well together and fit in well with my plan.

The Trampoline

I’m absolutely loving the Trampoline! I can turn up the music and “spot” dance on it. With a bit of imagination, it becomes a Mini-Stage or a Go-Go box. Shaking the Tambourine or Morocco Shakers in time to the music helps with the rhythm and adds to the exercise experience greatly. It has even inspired me to set up and re-connect the long-neglected music system in here.

Belly dance Now I can practice all those belly dance moves again! That added bouncability really emphases the hip motions, making the movements easier to fine-tune. This is so much easier than dancing on the carpeted concrete floor. After I get a bit more confident with the balance-thing, I might add a Hula-Hoop to the Mix.

Treadmill Yes, I’m now pretending its a treadmill. When you think of it, the movements are the same, since you’re just walking in one the spot anyway. Also, I’m finding I can more easily regulate the movement and pressure on different parts of my hips and legs. On the moving treadmill, I wasn’t experimenting too much for fear of injury. Also, I’m not keen on having a gym audience, when things awkward and I’m scrambling to get my foot-hold back.

Marching on-the-spot Swinging my arms and high-stepping to a march is another activity that is easier on a trampoline. It makes me feel like I’m getting more of full-body work-out.




Today, my new exercise equipment arrived. My Apartment space is limited, so it had to be small stuff that wouldn’t be too obtrusive. I got an Exercise Ball, a Mini-Trampoline, and a pair of Small Weights. These should all work well together and fit in well with my plan.

The Trampoline

I’m absolutely loving the Trampoline! I can turn up the music and “spot” dance on it. With a bit of imagination, it becomes a Mini-Stage or a Go-Go box. Shaking the Tambourine or Morocco Shakers in time to the music helps with the rhythm and adds to the exercise experience greatly. It has even inspired me to set up and re-connect the long-neglected music system in here.

Belly dance Now I can practice all those belly dance moves again! That added bouncability really emphases the hip motions, making the movements easier to fine-tune. This is so much easier than dancing on the carpeted concrete floor. After I get a bit more confident with the balance-thing, I might add a Hula-Hoop to the Mix.

Treadmill Yes, I’m now pretending its a treadmill. When you think of it, the movements are the same, since you’re just walking in one the spot anyway. Also, I’m finding I can more easily regulate the movement and pressure on different parts of my hips and legs. On the moving treadmill, I wasn’t experimenting too much for fear of injury. Also, I’m not keen on having a gym audience, when things awkward and I’m scrambling to get my foot-hold back