Gippsi Way

                                              is living the life Every Day

Purchases – to make Covid Times eAsier

During this past year of living and being alone, I’ve had to adapt my lifestyle. A lot. As with most, I’ve tried to make the best of it by using this time to get things done, and to make my surroundings  as pleasant as can be. I’ve listed some items I’ve picked up to accomplish this.

Things I’ve Purchased to make Self-Isolation Easier

Computer Stuff to make my office more efficient

A  couple of  back-up hard drives and some software upgrades.

Room Humidifiers I got one for each room, since the furnace keeps pumping in dry air. My skin is no longer itching and scaling off.

An Air Fryer. As it turns out, this handy kitchen gadget feeds me crispy “fast food” type snacks and meals that are healthier and more economical. It also refreshes muffins, biscuits, donuts and buns so they taste like they just came out of the oven.

A Bread Maker. I’d never thought this was in the cards, but I bought a bread maker and do make my own bread now. Living close to the mall, I was able to visit the bakery several times a week. Not so, anymore. And, I’m quite adverse to buying pre-bagged bread because it loses the special crispness that bread is all about.

Exercise Equipment. An Exercise Ball A Mini Trampoline, and a small Set of Weights

Cozy Flannel Pj’s Its my new work-at-home uniform. I find the styling is not much different than what our caregivers are wearing on-the-job every day. I chose these pajamas in colours and patterns that “work” for video conferences, if need be. And no, I don’t ever sleep in them.