Gippsi Way
is living the life Every Day
Living an Intentional Life – During Covid
Some Rantings Big Changes A Few Solutions
Hi! from the Desktop of Maralaina
According to news reports, we are in day 365 of the Covid nightmare. In Canada. What started out as something I thought was going to be a few months of “inconvenience” … and at least spring and summer months at that, has descended into a different way of life. And Yes – I’m totally sick of “Crapvid”
Obviously, today, I’m really in a mood for ranting. I’m sure I’m not alone in this. Feel free to express yourself and let the rest of us know your frustrations, and how you’re coping. From my tiny view of the world, from balconied apartment that faces a medium-traffic street and a shopping mall; I’ve made some observations and come to some conclusions. Of my readers, many will probably not agree with me on some points, but that’s OK. Each person has their own “bird’s eye view and will have a slightly different perspective. So, here goes…
Observations of our Society:
People are not generally as smart as I’d always assumed.
Humans are not blessed with the natural preservation instincts that animals have. If my cat can see through window that there’ a dog out there. She’s not going out…shes not letting her kittens out there either. Yet, at the mall People are “out there” laughing in the face of a health enemy that may bypass them, yet get their families.
The Daily News is not “NEW” any more. Its the same old thing, and seems more geared toward instructing and swaying opinions than actual news. Top of that list right now is the repeated coverage of people getting jabbed with needles. Don’t they realize that’s not “new” any more? Its been going on more over a month now, and each arm and needle looks about the same to me. And NO, I do not appreciate this obviously intentional “desensitization” and “creating of demand” for that vaccination. We have no guarantee its even going to work!
That immature “getting away with something just to see if I can” attitude doesn’t stop with youth. It is much more prevalent than I ever would have thought, and it extends way into adulthood and even into old age for some. To me, this attitude is no more responsible than drunk driving.
Those much revered “church-goers” who I’d always assumed to be “good”, “law-abiding” “considerate of others” , and “love of family”, will blatantly break the law, if it suits their social “needs.” Some of their leaders will not only break the laws, but also encourage their “followers” to hold big “social event” rallies in support of their “self-serving” rules. It surprises me to learn of how many religious organizations are actually “Cults” in that way.
How my life has changed since “Crapvid”
I limit shopping to once a week now; even though, I live right across a major grocery store, It would be so easy to just run over and get a few things. Just seeing how full the parking lots are, tells me its not really safe out there. Our local “Covid” Restrictions” have relaxed somewhat this week. But, this is also the week that our shortage of vaccine will start to affect Canada, so I’m not too sure about the wisdom joining the shopping crowd.
I’m learning to manage my personal life better. That includes surrounding myself with the stuff I enjoy, keeping workspace more organized, eating and sleeping well, and adhering to a better work/life schedule.
It also means “tuning out” the things that make me mad or sad and helpess.
Since I’ve exchanged my curling iron for a good hairbrush, and really cut down on hair “product” my Hair has grown longer and fuller. My skin is smoother, clearer, softer and has turned paler – much paler from lack of sun exposure. My Eyebrows are growing back…its the kind of thing you can do when you get to hide a lot.
I’m getting caught up on long-dormant projects. There’s nothing else to do…
I Limit my exposure to Social Media. I go on Facebook rarely, and then only to keep in touch with a few friends and family. I restrain myself from throwing fuel on the fire of radical posts…if I don’t lilke it, I ignore it. I limit myself to “like” and “love” responses unless condolences and support are in order. Like Mom always said “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all”
Things I’ve Purchased to make Self-Isolation Easier
A Bread Maker. I’d never thought this was in the cards, but I bought a bread maker and do make my own bread now. Living close to the mall, I was able to visit the bakery several times a week. Not so, anymore. And, I’m quite adverse to buying pre-bagged bread because it loses the special crispness that bread is all about.
Room Humidifiers I got one for each room, since the furnace keeps pumping in dry air. My skin is no longer itching and scaling off.
An Air Fryer. As it turns out, this handy kitchen gadget feeds me crispy “fast food” type snacks and meals that are healthier and more economical. It also refreshes muffins, buscuits, donuts and buns so they taste like they just came out of the oven.
Exercise Equipment. An Exercise Balll A Mini Trampoline, and a small Set of Weights
Computer Stuff A back-up hard drive and some software upgrades.
Cozy Flannel Pjs Its my new work-at-home uniform. I find the styling is not much different than what our caregivers are wearing on-the-job every day. I chose these pyjamas in colours and patterns that “work” for video conferences, if need be. And no, I don’t ever sleep in them.