
Adventures Rescuing willow

the day i stole a cat

And I thought…dare I ? I knew someone should do something.

The poor kitten was at the mercy of a small child who thought she was a toy. She’d wondered by a while earlier, to show off her tiny new kitten. It was, such a tiny thing, and was not looking very lively at all. When asked why the kitten wasn’t with its mommy. We were told that “it was ok, the kitten didn’t have a mommy.” She also said that she’d “found” at a garage and her parents said she could have it. I’d noticed that no one had even taught her how to hold a kitten properly.

It was such a hot day, and it looked like possibly the kitten was lethargic because it was dehydrated. I really couldn’t believe the the girl’s parents were allowing this to happen, and thought possibly she’d taken it out for a walk without permission.

I suggested she bring the kitten back home and let it rest, because it looked really tired. I watched, as she wandered on, and i actually saw her drop the poor thing a few times along her way. I love cats, and was absolutely heartbroken. At what point does a person step in? And what to do. ..

I might have left it at that, if she hadn’t come back awhile later; this time, chatting with a companion. The cat was not looking good at all by now. They set it down a few times, as they went about their play. It would just sit with its head down. Tempted, I was to just grab it and hide it. But i didn’t – at least not the first time…

Half an hour later, I heard them “wondering” where the kitten was. I could hear them searching for it a little, but soon gave up and got distracted by other goings on. It was just as well, for they wouldn’t have found it, That kitten was hidden inside the camper with me and I was trying to coax some water into its dry little mouth. It didn’t even have the strength or interest to lap water from a dish I set out. She only wanted to sleep.


I really, at this point, did not think she would survive, but at least I could give her comfort. Since I lived in an apartment, I was not looking to adopt; but at least I could bring it back to the city and maybe to the humane society. I thought of a friend too, who works at a cat shelter. She would know what to do.

And ! had actually stolen a cat from a kid!  I sounds so awful.  Can you get much lower…

I had thought, for sure, her parents would come by looking for it later in the evening, and maybe asking questions. Then I could voice my concerns to them, and perhaps explain my actions.

But nope. They obviously just didn’t care, or didn’t want the responsibility. No one came by. It made me sad… and mad.

Anyway, it took a few hours, but she managed to revive, and by the time I reached home the next day, she’d won my heart. Willow, I named her. Willow turned out to be a beautiful Maine Coon cat; and grew an incredible coat of fur as she got her health back and matured.

Though this story did have a happy ending; I sincerely hope this it might give parents second thought to letting their young children have a pet that rest of the family is not prepared for. They may be well-intentioned, but it is negligent and irresponsible. A pet is NOT a toy.

But,  Isn’t she Beautiful Now?!!